yin yoga

Yoga: A Guiding Light

Yoga: A Guiding Light

Everything that happens in our minds is reflected in our bodies. As yoga practitioner’s we know and feel how our breath and bodies are linked to our emotions. In traditional Chinese medicine each organ is associated with an organ. The heart with joy and the lungs with sadness and grief. In Max Strom’s book A Life Worth Breathing, he writes about emotional burdens and stress being held in the shoulders & neck; unexpressed anger in the jaw; sadness and trauma in the hips; anger in the thighs; internal anger and fear in the solar plexus. In The Body Keeps The Score, Bessel van der Kolk writes ‘Most traditional therapies downplay or ignore the moment-to-moment shifts in our inner sensory world. But these shifts carry the essence of the organism’s responses: the emotional states that are imprinted in the body’s chemical profile, in the viscera, in the contraction of the striated muscles of the face, throat, trunk, and limbs’